sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Exercise C. page 97.

1. What is "the marketing mix"?
The marketing mix consists of the 4 P's providing to the costumer with the rigth product at the rigth price, presented in the most attractive way promotionand available in the easiest way place.

2.What is 'a product'?
A product is not just an assembled set of components: it is something customers buy to satisfy a need they felt they have. The image and the designaf the product are as important as its specification.

3.What is the 'price'?
The product must be priced so that it competes effectively with rival products in the same market.

4. What is 'promotion'?
The product is presented to the costumers through advertising (e.g. TV commercuals, radio spots, newspaper advertisements, posters), packaging (e.g. design, labels, materials), publicity, P.R. (public relations) and personal selling.

5. What is 'place'?
Your product must be avilable to costumers trough the most cost-effective channels of distribution. A cosumer product must be offred to end-ussers in suitable retail outlets, or available on hire purchase or by mail order.

6. What is meant by 'S.W.O.T.'?
A firm must be aware of its strengths, and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats it faces in the market place.

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

UNIT 10. Exercise A and B Page 96

Make  a list of seven products that are produced or provided in your city.
1. Local brand or drink... Cabo Wabo tequila.
2. A grocery product ... Kellong, zucaritas, etc...
3. An industrial product...cars like VW, Nissan, etc...
4. A place or entertainment ... Cinemex, Cinepolis...
5. A public service... Telmex, Telcel...
6. An educstional service... UGC ...
7. Another well know local product... Tortillas 5 
estrellas, Tortillas de maiz perla, ...

-Which competition does each product face?
from 1 to 7: Tequila Herradura, lucky charm fron US, Toyota, Jetta..., Cinemex and Cinepolis are competition each other, public school. Tortillas Tia Rosa from maindland, tortillas el farito.

-What is the image of each product?
from 1 to 7: The Cabo Wabo logo, a tiger, WV own logo, like a film, an eagle with two heads, a corn ...

-What is the image of the company that produces it?
the same answer from last question also every body from cabo like it also to ours visitors.

-How strongly or weakly is each of the products marketed?
This brands and products are very tough on the market!!!

-Where is each product advertised?

These products are advertised on local radio, in newspapers and even some for television and the internet through social networking.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Exercise B. Page 89.

How much do you  know about you own city? Can you answer these questions:

-Where could a visitor go on a free day, or at the weekend?
On a free day a visitor could go to a traditional sunset dinner tour, also to a ATV ride to the Migriño beach or to the Candelaria Village.

-When are the museums and art galleries open?
The museum in Cabo San Lucas is open every day till 8pm.
Art galleries are located in Todos Santos an hour from Cabo and are open every day till 8 pm.

-How can a visitor get tickets for a concert or show?
Well to a concert it kind of difficult because we don´t have many but the visitor can get tickets with any concierge, also in the information booth located in every corner in downtow.

-When can a isitor rent a car?
Here in Cabo San Lucas are severall companies to rent a car, they are located all the way in to down tow also almost in any hotel.
In front of the PEMEX gas station in down town is National Car Rental.

-Which restaurants serve typical local dishes?
The typical dishes from Cabo are Fish and Shrimp tacos also the smoking marlin quesadillas, Los Claros restaurant has those in the menu.
Also the restaurant Las Delicias de la Abuela has  local dishes on the menu every day for breakfast and lunch.

-Where can a visitor buy local specialities to take home?
Almost every where! They can buy souvenirs in the flea market on the marina, in the mall, in walktmart too hahaha!!.

-Where does the bus to the airport leave from and how long does it        
The  bus leave from Leon Cota Collins mall every hour,  every body can get the same bus on the street Leona Vicario and along the highway. The ride to the aiport by bus its about 60 minutes.
Also in the Wyndham Hotel the one is just to be Hotel el Tesoro has a shuttle to the airport every hour since 10.20am to 1.40 pm.
And your are always welcame to ride a cap too.


                                                MY BOY IN THE FOX CANYON...!!!! 

                          MY BOY AT  GRANDMA's HOUSE

9.2 Hotels and accomodation..page 87

A. If you have to make a reservation at a particular hotel you know of, you can just send them a fax to book a room.


FAX from  Herry Meier
Acme International Geneva Switserland       +41227319191

To: Hotel Concorde, Toulouse, France.        +3361957876

Could I please book three single rooms with bath for the night of
Monday 1 April. We shall be arriving at approximately 20.00 hrs.

Please confirm by return.
Many thanks.

Vera Muller.

p.p. Harry Meier.

But if you requiere more information about the hotel. or if you
have a special requirements, you may need to telephone them...

You´ll hear Ms. Muller phoning the Hotel Concorde on behalf of 
Mr. Meier. Note down the answers to these questions about the call.

-Why did she phone insted of sending a fax?
She decided to call them because Mr. Meier has special requierements to the hotel and she need to change the accomodation.

-What information did she get from the hotel?
She get the prices for single and for a double room, also she may need to reserve 5 nights too. and she needs more than one single room, finally she get a bigger room for 12 persons, great view and a good deal and she book that one to Mr. Meier.


Have a good one every one  :)

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Event for April 13. EXPO exercise 9.5 page 95


We want to invite you to the next big Business Exposition about new products introduced to the market.

This exposition has been prepared by the 8° grade of  Tourism Degree.

This is going to be a competition  by teams.

!!!! The challenge is WHO IS GOING TO  BE THE BEST SELLER!!!!!!




Come and enjoy us !!!!
We will appreciate all your support!!!!
We are ready to win!!!

Exercise 9.1 Did you have a good journey? A

A Look at this illustrations and discuss these question.

- What is each person doing? What  is gong to happen next?  
There's some people waiting to be pick up at the airport, some other are waiting people to pick up them and other lady just met someone.

-Have you ever been in any situations like shown?
Well once when I went to Tijuana I lost my suitcase.

-When was the last time you travelled to another country and What did you do there?
The last time I travelled to another country was two years ago I went to San Diego CA in the United States, so when I was there I went to many places and I went shopping also.

Exercise 9.3 "Organizing a Conference".

Good Afternoon.

My name is Daniel Sarris am a student of the university ugc Cabo San Lucas.

The reason for my letter is that we are organizing a conference on topics related to English language study at a university level because it is critical that new graduates in tourism and other degrees fluent in the language of the particularities of our tourist destination .

Conferences will be  from Friday March 22 until Monday March 25, 2011.
We have already your accomodation in the Hotel du Lac, there will be 30 doubles room and 10 singles.
Pleasae confirm your assistence as soon as possible.
Also we're going to need the tittle of your conference and a 100 words summary of your chart.
We're are going to paid all yours expences by check.

We're really excited with this proyect.

Thank you for all your support.

LAET. Daniel Sarris.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011



1. Look for information about cities, hotels, flights, rates etc

http://www.allcountries.org/maps/north_america_maps.htmlhttp://www.photius.com/wfb2001/airport_codes_alpha.htmlwww.swlauriersb.qc.ca/english/.../travelwq.htmwww.beth.k12.pa.us/schools/.../kgwebquest.htm- www.beth.k12.pa.us/.../kgwebquest/kgwebquest.htm - iw3c2.cs.ust.hk/WWW5/www5conf.inria.../Overview.htmlcmcweb.lr.k12.nj.us/webquest/reca.htmww.sdst.org/shs/library/ancientwq.html - jknowles42.tripod.com/travelagentwebquest

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Exercise C. Page 84

Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1. How do you, as a costumer, del with bad service or after-sales service?
If I receiveda bad service or after-sales bad service I would like to speak with the manager or send to him a letter.

2. Suppose someone complained about your services or after-sale service, how would you deal with this?
I´ll offerd an a opology and try to fix the situation sending them a discount certificate for their next purchase.

3. Does anyone in the group have any "horror stories" of
cases of particularly bad after-sales  service? 
I don´t really know, I´m sorry.

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Exercise 4 page 80.

Decide what are you gong to do:

1. What will you tell mr. Robinson?
Well I will tell him that I am very sorry but our supplier have so many troubles with their own suppliers    and has been impossible to send us the goods.

2. Will you telephone Ocean View, fax, e-mail or send them a letter?
I'll send them a fax them I´ll call them also send them a letter complaining about this.

3. What will you say or write?
I would say they are affecting my production and will have to compensate for all this trouble.

Exercise B page 78.

Work in pairs. Look at this extracts from 4 letters. Complete each sentence. Then decide what to write in your reply to each as if it was your fault in each case.

1. We are concerned that the order we placed by letter on 8 June may have not got lost in the post. could you please check the track order of the shipping and let us know.

2. The order has not yet arrived at our warehouse, even though we recived advice of shipping from you ten  days ago. Would you mind to check at the shipping company our package.

3. According with your scale of charges the price of a single room with bath is 55 including tax. However, on cheking my account later I discovered that I was charged 69.50 per nigth. Will you please to refound me the different in to my bank account.

4. Our order was 80 boxes containing 144 items each. Each box we have opened so far contain only 100 items. Will you please send me the items that are missing. 

Exercise A page 78

You´ll hear 4 conversations. Not down what the problem is in each case and what action is to be taken.


1. Wrong size of computer paper and  no paper in stock.
2. Two orders separtly for the same goods.
3. Diferent quality in the items.
4. Color negatives missing.


1. Refund 11.95
2. Send the order by TELEX friday afternoon.
3. Send the items that she order and give her a 20% less.
4. Give the right order to the