1. The writer is over forty years old. F.
2. She gave up applying for jobs some time ago. T
3. She has not had much experience of working for a living. T.
4. Employers think someone of her age is too expensice to employ. T
5. She needs a job so that she can support her family. T.
6. People don't get as angry about ageims as about other forms of discrimination.T.
7. Employers are looking for bringht, ambitions people of any age.F.
8. More mature employees would be valuable assets to many professions. T.
9. People on their thirties can't get jobs in goverment departments. F
10. She wants to "repay" the State for her university education. T.
1.What would you do if you were in the same position as the writer? I would quit looking for a job and get in to financial program to create a business.
2. Do you know someone who is unlucky or unsuccessful in getting jobs? Yes I do.
3. Can you explain the reason for their lack of success?
Because he's on the same situation of the writer he's on his late thirties.
4. What could they do to improve their chances of success?
Searching for a different kind of job.
5. How does the law in your country discourage discrimination by employers?
Human Right doesn't take care of this specific situation as well they have to.
very well.